The Simple Secret to Beating Garlic Odor:
Or use alternatives:
At the present state of technology, the secondary garlic odor is unavoidable if you really want anti-tumor and immune enhancing benefits from garlic; however, there is a secret to avoiding the social consequences of secondary odor and that is to take your pill with your evening meal or a little later so that when the inevitable odor kicks in a few hours later, after midnight, you and your spouse will be in bed asleep and there will be no one awake to smell you. After your morning shower, no one will know you took a garlic pill last night unless you tell them.
The odorless Kyolic is for the circulatory system mostly and has relatively little or no appreciable amount of anti-tumor or immune enhancing properties compared to the fat-solubles - that's the difference between fat and water solubles.
Kyolic is a unique product and is very good for odor-free circulatory system health. This is of great value to those who work closely with others and are concerned about odor and I think using Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract to maintain circulatory health makes good sense. One of the main reasons for taking garlic pills is to guard against heart attacks and strokes and Kyolic, with its anti-aggregatory properties, used as directed, along with a healthy diet and lifestyle, does exactly that. A lot of people use it in addition to one of the allicin-based pills simply because it is a good way to augment the circulatory system benefits the water-solubles produce and I think that makes good sense, too.
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