Sunday, November 15, 2009

Blood composition and condition of blood vessels

My grandma told:

Oh, that magic blue iodine! It improves blood composition and condition of blood vessels, regulates blood circulation, decreases level of cholesterol in blood and normalizes blood pressure. That is why it is successfully used for prevention of atherosclerosis. It also strengthens immune system that is why it is recommended to healthy people as well as prophylactics – twice a year during a month. Blue iodine is the best medicine against dysentery and other kinds of diseases of digestive tract.

How to make it? Very simple! Read and do:

Add 10 g (1 overfilled tea spoon) of potato (not corn!) starch to 50 ml of cool water. Mix up, add 1 tea spoon of sugar and some crystals of lemon acid and mix up again. Separately boil 150 ml of water and add there the mixture of starch, sugar and lemon acid. Add this slowly mixing this at the same time. You will get a jelly. Let the starch mixture cool completely and only then add there 1 tea spoon of 5% iodine spirit. Mix up well. Solution will be of intensive blue color.

Remember: iodine as well as blue iodine should never be heated and should be kept in a closed bottle. It is may be taken till it has intensive blue color, if the color has changed it will not harm you but will be useless. If water appeared in the mixture of blue iodine, mix it well and continue taking it, but in this case milk afterwards is necessary.

Start treatment taking 1-2 tea spoons a day, 20-30 min after meal, taking milk or juice afterwards. If there is no allergic reaction of the body you may start taking 4 tea spoons. It should be taken every alternate day or 5 days long and then 5 days break. Maximum dose is 7-8 tea spoons a day.

As prophylactics iodine should be taken twice a week by 1 tea spoon followed with milk o juice. If weight of a patient is more than 65 kg the dose may be doubled. It’s very easy to find out if a body needs iodine or not. Make with brush on your arm a strip of iodine, if it does not disappear after 24 hrs, it means iodine is needed for you, in case it disappeared it means meanwhile you don’t need it.

Blue iodine may also help children suffering from irritability and anxiety! Children of 8-10 years old took blue iodine by 1 tea spoon after meal and aforementioned symptoms disappeared within some hours!

I gave it to all my grandchildren when they had diarrhea or even simple pain in stomach; I gave up to 7 tea spoons – depending on condition of a child. Blue iodine may be taken up to 5 days long, not more or every alternative day.

Comments of the doctors:

Blue iodine is a combination of starch with iodine. Iodine plays an important role in the life of a human. Iodine is necessary for normal functioning of a thyroid gland and on this depends conditions of other organs. Hormones of the thyroid gland have an influence on the nerve, digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory systems as well as on general state of the body.

Iodine mostly is kept in the thyroid gland and during each blood cycle – 17 minutes – kills unstable germs that by this or that way penetrated into blood. Persistent microbes passing through thyroid gland weaken and after passing through some blood cycles they die. With a low content of iodine the gland cannot function normally and therefore dos not kill germs and microbes. There is a direct correlation between the energy in a human and the level of consumption of iodine by him.

If the body lacks iodine the goiter, disease of the thyroid gland, develops. However, surplus of the iodine may be even toxic for the human. During a long-term treatment by iodine, including the blue iodine, iododerma or intolerance to iodine, may develop. At the same time too small dosage is not effective.

In the blue iodine aggressiveness of the iodine is softened by starch.
Contradictions to the blue iodine: menstruation, any other type of bleeding, thrombophlebitis, thyrotoxicosis, damage or absence of thyroid gland (after operation) or intolerance to iodine. A prophylactic course should not exceed one month, desirably in spring or in autumn. During flu epidemic take blue iodine by 1 tea spoon 3 times a week, meanwhile normal dose is 1 tea spoon twice a week.

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